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David B Townsend
Jul 8, 20214 min read
Basic Wedding Food Planning
Many venues either require a full-service caterer or use of their own on-site kitchen to provide food services. Once you're comfortable with

David B Townsend
Jul 8, 20213 min read
Become an Event Destination- An Asset to your Community
Event Management takes skills in marketing and logistics, If you're a restaurant, B & B or winery potential niche market if you plan ahead.

David B Townsend
Jul 8, 20211 min read
Introducing: Ambrosia-the food blog
David Townsend follows restaurants, food products, and marketing trends. His career began on the Monterey Peninsula as a Bartender...

David B Townsend
Jul 8, 20211 min read
Road Trips- get in on a discount shoot
Get in on one of my road trips and save up to 50% on a room/lobby or food photo shoot. Several times each year I take road trips and book...

David B Townsend
Jul 8, 20212 min read
Logistics for Outdoor Events
If you're a restauranteur or boutique hotel looking to expand into the lucrative Wedding / Event business in Northern California, a ...

David B Townsend
Jul 8, 20215 min read
Amazon & Whole Foods- this changes everything in food service-
You can't be in the food business and not have prepared, easily combined meal portions "to go." Food service is now about more than seated

David B Townsend
Jul 8, 20216 min read
Off-Site Event Planning- Logistics 101
In organizing the event, several steps need to have started days, weeks, or even months ahead of time. It's the “Day-of” the Event that I

David B Townsend
Jul 8, 20212 min read
Townsends Consulting-Fee
fees are negotiable- travel vs home time is billed at different rates

David B Townsend
Jul 8, 20211 min read
Photography for Social Media
create a dedicated area somewhere that can be preset with good lighting and offer a variety of backdrops, you could plate food and shoot.

David B Townsend
Jul 8, 20211 min read
Web Design using WIX
choose your best suited template and build the initial site without you having the learning curve of navigating new a software program.

David B Townsend
Jul 8, 20212 min read
10 Priorities in Restaurant Operations-an Evaluation
operations check list for restaurants

David B Townsend
Jul 8, 20219 min read
Branding is just the first step in Marketing a Restaurant
Visuals show off your food. Branding has to do with quality of your photo as well as your food.
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